16 January, 2012

Put and end to Mess

Really girls tell me, do your drawers look like this? My patience has come to and end, today was the time to start tidying up...

Step 1 - Eat a nice medium box of chocolates with friends -have fun- we will need the box later :))

Step 2 : The situation

Step 3 : Keep boxes from chocolates, scarves,belts,perfume sets any kind you find and like. You 'll need both parts bottom and top of the boxes. The height of the boxes depends on the drawer you pick ( I keep almost all the boxes I find )

 Step 4 : Clean the drawers,the boxes and start placing your cosmetcis in them.
you  can also use wooden or plastic cutlery holders (this one is from habitat)

Step 4 : End result!!!

 Step 4 -Part 2: You can also do the same with your jewelry, take a box and put smaller ones in it.

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